積み上げ 横棒グラフメーカー プログラム Javascipt
積み上げ 横棒グラフ %の入力
.bar-chart {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
margin-bottom: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
.bar {
flex-grow: 1;
transition: width 0.5s ease-in-out;
.bar-A { background-color: #FF5733; }
.bar-B { background-color: #F4D03F; }
.bar-C { background-color: #3498DB; }
.bar-D { background-color: #58D68D; }
.bar-E { background-color: #8E44AD; }
.bar-F { background-color: #1ABC9C; }
.bar-G { background-color: #E74C3C; }
.bar-H { background-color: #3498DB; }
.bar-I { background-color: #F1C40F; }
.bar-J { background-color: #7F8C8D; }
<div class="bar-chart" id="barChart"><!-- 各バーはJavaScriptで追加される --></div>
<form id="inputForm">
<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;">
<th style="width: 10%;">A</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">B</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">C</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">D</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">E</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">F</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">G</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">H</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">I</th>
<th style="width: 10%;">J</th>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-A" name="percent-A" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-B" name="percent-B" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-C" name="percent-C" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-D" name="percent-D" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-E" name="percent-E" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-F" name="percent-F" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-G" name="percent-G" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-H" name="percent-H" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-I" name="percent-I" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><input type="number" id="percent-J" name="percent-J" min="0" max="100" value="10" /></td>
<button type="submit">Update Chart</button></form>
<!-- 更新されたテキストエリア -->
<div id="codeContainer"><textarea id="htmlCode" readonly="readonly"></textarea></div>
.bar-chart {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
margin-bottom: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
.bar {
flex-grow: 1;
transition: width 0.5s ease-in-out;
/* クラス名と色のマッピング */
.bar-A { background-color: #FF5733; }
.bar-B { background-color: #F4D03F; }
.bar-C { background-color: #3498DB; }
.bar-D { background-color: #58D68D; }
.bar-E { background-color: #8E44AD; }
.bar-F { background-color: #1ABC9C; }
.bar-G { background-color: #E74C3C; }
.bar-H { background-color: #3498DB; }
.bar-I { background-color: #F1C40F; }
.bar-J { background-color: #7F8C8D; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(1) { border-bottom: 10px solid #FF5733; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(2) { border-bottom: 10px solid #F4D03F; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(3) {border-bottom: 10px solid #3498DB; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(4) { border-bottom: 10px solid #58D68D; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(5) {border-bottom: 10px solid #8E44AD; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(6) {border-bottom: 10px solid #1ABC9C; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(7) {border-bottom: 10px solid #E74C3C; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(8) { border-bottom: 10px solid #3498DB; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(9) {border-bottom: 10px solid #F1C40F; }
#inputForm table th:nth-child(10) { border-bottom: 10px solid #7F8C8D; }
/* 追加されたCSS */
#codeContainer {
margin-top: 20px;
#htmlCode {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
const form = document.getElementById('inputForm');
const barChart = document.getElementById('barChart');
const htmlCode = document.getElementById('htmlCode');
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
// 入力されたパーセンテージを取得
const percentA = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-A').value);
const percentB = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-B').value);
const percentC = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-C').value);
const percentD = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-D').value);
const percentE = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-E').value);
const percentF = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-F').value);
const percentG = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-G').value);
const percentH = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-H').value);
const percentI = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-I').value);
const percentJ = parseInt(document.getElementById('percent-J').value);
const totalPercent = percentA + percentB + percentC + percentD + percentE + percentF + percentG + percentH + percentI + percentJ;
if (totalPercent !== 100) {
alert('Total percentage must be 100%. Please adjust the values.');
// バーをクリア
barChart.innerHTML = '';
// 各バーを生成
createBar(barChart, percentA, 'bar-A');
createBar(barChart, percentB, 'bar-B');
createBar(barChart, percentC, 'bar-C');
createBar(barChart, percentD, 'bar-D');
createBar(barChart, percentE, 'bar-E');
createBar(barChart, percentF, 'bar-F');
createBar(barChart, percentG, 'bar-G');
createBar(barChart, percentH, 'bar-H');
createBar(barChart, percentI, 'bar-I');
createBar(barChart, percentJ, 'bar-J');
// HTMLコードを更新
// 各バーを生成する関数
function createBar(container, percent, className) {
const bar = document.createElement('div');
bar.classList.add('bar', className);
bar.style.width = percent + '%';
// HTMLコードを更新する関数
function updateHtmlCode() {
const html = document.getElementById('barChart').innerHTML;
htmlCode.value = html;