Sheets Function

FLATTEN Function: Convert Rows and Columns into a Single Column List in Google Sheets

About the FLATTEN FunctionOverview of FLATTENConvert Data from a Range into a Single ColumnGoogle Sheets Function=FLATTEN( range_or_value )Summary The FLATTEN f...
Sheets Function

ISURL Function: Validate Text as a URL in Google Sheets

About the ISURL FunctionOverview of ISURLCheck if a Value is a Valid URLGoogle Sheets Function=ISURL( value )Summary The ISURL function checks whether a specifi...
Sheets Function

ISEMAIL Function: Validate Email Address Format in Google Sheets

About the ISEMAIL FunctionOverview of ISEMAILCheck if a Value is a Valid Email AddressGoogle Sheets Function=ISEMAIL( value )Summary The ISEMAIL function checks...
Sheets Function

JOIN Function: Google Sheets’ Unique Function to Combine Cell Range Values with a Specified Delimiter

About the JOIN FunctionOverview of JOINCombine Multiple Values with a Specified DelimiterGoogle Sheets Function=JOIN( delimiter, array or list of values )Summar...
Excel References

Extracting Data for Specific Date Ranges in Excel: Using the FILTER Function

How to Extract Data for a Specific Period from Date RecordsThis article explains how to extract data for a specific time period from date records in Excel. This...
Excel Topics

Extract Rows Containing a Specific Search Term in Excel Using the FILTER Function

How to Extract Rows Containing a Search Term in ExcelIn Excel, you can extract and display rows where specific cells contain a search term. This functionality h...
Excel References

Understanding and Resolving #CALC! Errors in Excel: Common Causes and Solutions

#CALC! Error Examples and SolutionsOverviewThe #CALC! error occurs in Excel when a formula or function is invalid. Causes include incorrect arguments, invalid r...
Excel References

How to Search for Cells Containing Specific Text in Excel Using SEARCH and FILTER Functions

Search for Cells Containing Specific TextThis article explains how to search for cells containing specific text in Excel. For example, it can be useful when loo...