Functions unique to Google Sheets that are not available in Excel.
- IMPORTFEED Function: Import External RSS or ATOM Feeds Using Google Sheets
- JOIN Function: Google Sheets’ Unique Function to Combine Cell Range Values with a Specified Delimiter
- GOOGLEFINANCE Function: Retrieve Stock Prices, Exchange Rates, and Other Financial Data in Google Sheets
- ISEMAIL Function: Validate Email Address Format in Google Sheets
- ISURL Function: Validate Text as a URL in Google Sheets
- GOOGLETRANSLATE Function: Translate Text into a Specified Language in Google Sheets
- SORTN Function: Extract and Sort Top N or Unique Values in Google Sheets
- FLATTEN Function: Convert Rows and Columns into a Single Column List in Google Sheets
- REGEXMATCH Function: Determine if Text Matches a Regular Expression in Google Sheets
- REGEXREPLACE Function: Replace Text Using Regular Expressions in Google Sheets
- REGEXEXTRACT Function: Extract Text Using Regular Expressions in Google Sheets
- IMPORTRANGE Function: Import Data from Another Google Sheet
- QUERY Function: Perform SQL-like Data Operations in Google Sheets
- SPLIT Function: Split Text in Google Sheets by Specified Delimiters
- SPARKLINE Function: Create Inline Mini Graphs in Google Sheets
- ARRAYFORMULA Function: Apply Formulas Across Ranges in Google Sheets
- IMPORTDATA Function: Import External Web Data into Google Sheets
- IMPORTXML Function: Extract XML Data from Web Pages in Google Sheets
- IMPORTHTML Function: Import HTML Tables and Lists in Google Sheets