Excel Topics

Display “✔” if an item exists within a range, and “✘” if it does not using the IF function | Excel Topics

Explanation of "Range as a Cell Range" and "Range as a Numeric Range"This page explains two types of ranges: range as a cell range and range as a numeric range....
Excel Topics

How to Check the Version of Excel You Are Using

Steps to Identify Your Excel VersionTry the general method first.If you purchased your computer around 2014 or later, the "general method" should work.The curre...
Excel Topics

How to Calculate Working Hours and Overtime in Excel

How to Calculate Working Hours and Overtime in ExcelThis article explains how to calculate daily working hours based on start time, end time, and break time in ...
Excel Topics

What Does the “$” Symbol in Excel Cell References Mean?

What Does the "$" Symbol in Excel Cell References Mean?When using formulas and functions in Excel, you may often see formats like "$A$1" or "A$1". The "$" symbo...
Excel Topics

How to Unhide Multiple Hidden Rows or Columns at Once in Excel

How to Unhide Multiple Hidden Rows or Columns at Once in ExcelIf you have hidden multiple rows or columns in Excel and want to unhide them, you can do it indivi...
Excel Topics

How to Fix the Issue of Text Color Not Changing in Excel

How to Fix the Issue of Text Color Not Changing in ExcelSometimes, you may try to change the text color in Excel but find that it does not update. The primary c...
Excel Topics

How to Fix Issues with Arrow Keys Not Moving Cells in Excel

How to Fix Issues with Arrow Keys Not Moving Cells in ExcelIn Excel, you can typically use the arrow keys to navigate between cells. However, there are times wh...
Excel Topics

How to Restore the Top Toolbar (Ribbon) in Excel When It Disappears

How to Restore the Top Toolbar (Ribbon) in Excel When It DisappearsIn Excel, the toolbar (called the Ribbon) may disappear, making it difficult to operate. This...
Excel References

How to Display Double Quotation Marks (“”) in Excel Formulas

How to Display Double Quotation Marks ("") in Excel FormulasWhen using Excel formulas to concatenate strings, you may need to display double quotation marks (")...
Excel Topics

How to Create a Drop-Down List in Excel

How to Create a Drop-Down List in ExcelExcel's drop-down lists are a convenient way to set selectable options in cells, helping to prevent input errors and main...
Excel Topics

How to Protect an Excel File with a Password

How to Protect an Excel File with a PasswordIn Excel, you can protect important data and sensitive information by setting a password. This ensures that unauthor...
Excel References

Calculating the Number of Days Between Dates in Excel: Using Subtraction, DAYS, and NETWORKDAYS Functions

How to Calculate the Number of Days for a Specific PeriodThis article explains how to calculate the number of days for a specific period in Excel. Calculating t...
Excel Topics

How to Automatically Highlight Weekends and Holidays in Excel

How to Automatically Highlight Weekends and Holidays in Red?This article explains how to automatically identify dates in Excel and highlight weekends and holida...
Excel Topics

How to Highlight Cells Containing Specific Text with Background Color in Excel

How to Highlight Cells Containing Specific Text in ExcelUsing conditional formatting in Excel, you can automatically highlight cells containing specific text wi...
Excel Topics

How to Convert Cell References to Absolute in Excel: 3 Methods Explained

How to Convert to Absolute References in ExcelThis article explains how to convert cell references in formulas to absolute references (e.g., $A$1) in Excel. Abs...
Excel Topics

How to Display ‘0’ When a Formula or Function Returns an Error in Excel Using IFERROR

How to Display "0" When a Formula or Function Returns an Error?In Excel, you may want to display "0" instead of an error when a formula results in an error. Thi...