Excel Topics

Display “✔” if an item exists within a range, and “✘” if it does not using the IF function | Excel Topics

Explanation of "Range as a Cell Range" and "Range as a Numeric Range"This page explains two types of ranges: range as a cell range and range as a numeric range....
Excel Topics

How to Calculate Working Hours and Overtime in Excel

How to Calculate Working Hours and Overtime in ExcelThis article explains how to calculate daily working hours based on start time, end time, and break time in ...
Sheets Function

IMPORTHTML Function: Import HTML Tables and Lists in Google Sheets

About the IMPORTHTML FunctionOverview of IMPORTHTMLImport Tables or Lists from Web PagesGoogle Sheets Function=IMPORTHTML( URL, Query, Index )Summary The IMPORT...
Excel Topics

How to Use IF with OR Functions in Excel

Correct Usage of OR within IF Statements with ExamplesBy combining the IF function with the OR function in Excel, you can perform specific actions when at least...
Excel Topics

How to Compare Two Cells in Excel: Display ‘Match’ or ‘No Match’ Using IF and EXACT Functions

Check if Two Cells Match or Do Not MatchThis article explains how to compare two cells in Excel and display "Match" if the text in both cells is the same, or "N...
Excel Topics

How to Display Original Cell Content When IF Function Condition Is False in Excel

How to Display the Original Cell Content When the IF Function Condition Is FalseWith the Excel IF function, you can display different results in a cell based on...
Excel Topics

How to Count Partial Matches in Excel Using COUNTIF with Wildcards

How to Count Partial Matches in a Range Using COUNTIF (with Wildcards)This article explains how to count partial matches in Excel. By using the COUNTIF function...
Excel Topics

How to Use Multiple IF Functions in Excel for Complex Conditional Branching

How to Use Multiple IF Functions? (Handling Multiple Conditions)This article explains how to use the IF function multiple times in Excel to evaluate several con...
Excel Topics

Excel Error: ‘You’ve Entered Too Many Arguments for This Function’ – Causes and Solutions

Why does "You've entered too many arguments for this function" appear?When using functions in Excel, you may encounter the error message "You've entered too man...
Excel Topics

Using IF Function in Excel to Evaluate ‘Greater Than or Equal To’ and ‘Less Than’ Conditions

How to Use the IF Function to Express "Greater Than or Equal To" and "Less Than" ConditionsThis article explains how to use the IF function in Excel to specify ...
Excel Topics

Assigning Letter Grades in Excel: Using Nested IF and SWITCH Functions

Display 5-Level Grades Based on Scores in ExcelIf you want to automatically assign a grade based on a score in Excel, the IF function or SWITCH function can hel...
Excel Topics

How to Use the AND Function Inside an IF Statement in Excel

Correct Usage of AND Within an IF Statement in Excel with ExamplesBy combining the IF function with the AND function in Excel, you can execute specific actions ...
Excel Topics

Calculating Years of Service in Excel: Using DATEDIF and TODAY Functions

How to Calculate Years of Service in Years and Months?This article explains how to calculate years of service from an employee's hire date in the format "X year...
Excel Topics

How to Check if a Cell is Blank or Contains Text in Excel: Using IF and ISBLANK Functions

How to Determine if a Cell is Blank or Contains Text?In Excel, you can determine whether a cell is blank or contains any text and display the result. For exampl...
Excel Topics

How to Specify Non-Blank Cells in Excel: Using IF and COUNTIF Functions

How to Specify Non-Blank Cells in ExcelThis article explains how to specify non-blank cells in Excel. When you want to conditionally handle non-blank cells, you...
Excel References

Changing Text Color and Font in Excel Based on Specific Conditions: Using Conditional Formatting and IF Functions

How to Change Text Color and Font Based on Specific ConditionsThis article explains how to use Excel to automatically change text color and font based on specif...