102 Processing: An HTTP Status Code Indicating That Processing is Ongoing


About 102 Processing

Overview of 102 Processing

Indicating Processing StatusHTTP Status Code

102 Processing

Overview 102 Processing is an HTTP status code that indicates the client’s request has been accepted, and the server has started processing it but has not yet completed. This code is defined in the WebDAV protocol and is used to prevent client timeouts for long-running requests.

Meaning The server is processing the request. (Completion may take some time.)

When is 102 Processing Returned?

  • When using the WebDAV protocol
  • When the server receives a request requiring long processing time
  • When it is necessary to notify the client of ongoing processing to avoid timeouts

Examples of 102 Processing

Long-Running Operations on Multiple Resources

DELETE /collection/ HTTP/1.1  
Host: example.com  

Response Example:

HTTP/1.1 102 Processing  

Explanation: When a client sends a request to delete a large collection (e.g., an entire folder), the server may require considerable time to process. During this time, the 102 status code is returned to notify the client that processing is ongoing.

WebDAV Property Operations

PROPPATCH /collection/resource HTTP/1.1  
Host: example.com  

Response Example:

HTTP/1.1 102 Processing  

Explanation: When a client sends a request to modify properties of a resource in bulk and the server begins processing but requires time to complete, a 102 response is returned.

Points to Note

Points to consider when returning 102 Processing:

  • Return at the Appropriate Timing
    Only return this status code when processing is ongoing and is expected to take significant time.
  • Prevent Client Timeouts
    For long-running requests, proper use of the 102 status code can prevent client timeouts.

Comparison with Related HTTP Status Codes

Here’s an explanation of status codes related to 102 Processing:

  • 200 OK: Used when the request is successfully processed, and results are returned immediately.
  • 207 Multi-Status: Used in WebDAV when results for multiple resources are returned together.

Understanding these differences ensures the appropriate use of the 102 status code.